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9.Publication relations

1) The issuance of the monthly "electric facilities technology"

①I plan related features to efficiency, renewable energy of the use of energy and plan an education article for young engineer upbringing and technology improvement of the industry, more enhancement of the space including the commentary of the state-of-the-art trend and announce the research result of the committee activity.
②I plan the expansion of the new reader and, for the purpose of rousing the interest to the electric facilities industry of a person concerned with educational institution and the student, present back number to public library other than the educational institutions such as technical high school, engineering system universities with the request.
③Through activities of advertisement expansion WG, I try for cost reduction, income and expenditure improvement sequentially.

2) The issuance of book

  ①New book issuance 
 ・(tentative name) "the business of the thunder protection system" (2019.12 moon middle plan)
② Issuance of revised edition
 ・"A building electric equipment technology calculation handbook" (the first book) (2019.12 beginning plan)
 ・"A building electric equipment technology calculation handbook" (the second volume) (2020.for 3 beginning a plan)
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